Check out the latest update video from Shepherd’s Inn. Here you’ll find out about our most recent progress at the inn as well as information about upcoming events.
Shepherd’s Inn exists to provide a place of retreat for ministers and missionaries to experience rest, renewal, and care. In 2024 we’ve had the privilege of serving and caring for local pastors and ministry staff as well as stateside and international missionaries.
Shepherd's Inn is hosting a big outdoor volunteer day on Saturday, September 7th, from 8 AM to 1 PM. This will be our final outdoor work day of the season in preparation for Fall.
The earth is waking up from its winter slumber - the birds are singing, the temps are gradually warming, the frog pond chorale has begun its daily twilight rehearsals, and we all seem to be getting a little pep in our step. As I swap out our clothes from winter to spring, it feels like I am drawing a line in the sand and daring winter to cross…
Greetings family and friends! We hope you’ve been enjoying a wonderful Christmas. Before we close out the year, we wanted to celebrate God's provision for Shepherd's Inn and look ahead to 2024.