News From the Inn - December 2024
Steven and Cheryl Barnett - Innkeepers
Shepherd’s Inn exists to provide a place of retreat for ministers and missionaries to experience rest, renewal, and care. In 2024 we’ve had the privilege of serving and caring for local pastors and ministry staff as well as stateside and international missionaries.
We heeded the Father’s call to create Shepherd’s Inn after years of ministry in the church where we observed varying levels of burnout in fellow ministers and missionaries while bumping up against burnout ourselves. Ministry leaders pour out so much of themselves caring for others. Vocational ministry is a calling that is rich and rewarding, but if not managed well, can slowly drain the life out of them.
Summer and Winter and Springtime and Harvest
Ministers’/missionaries’ schedules go far beyond 8 to 5. When crisis arrives, they are first on the scene praying for, being present for, and ministering to the needs of church family (and many times people they don’t know) at all hours of the day and night. All this while leading a staff, planning services, balancing budgets, leading countless meetings, and caring for their own families.
(For a good overview of the state of pastors click here)
Unfortunately, under the weight of those expectations, their families and personal well-being often get pushed down the priority list. One can only run at that pace for so long before burnout begins to set in, and it rears its ugly head in many forms: depression, fatigue, marital conflict, moral failure, poor leadership, and relational struggles, to name a few.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not every pastor or every church. Many churches have begun to see the need for care of their ministers’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. They have created safeguards to limit/protect their family time. They offer time for intentional, personal retreat, including sabbaticals. And many churches are providing access to counseling, coaching, and/or spiritual direction for their ministry staff.
This is great, because when our ministers and missionaries are serving from a healthy state of well-being, their families, churches, and communities thrive.
But sadly, many don’t have access to this care due to budget and time restraints, unawareness of the need, or they simply have never been taught that it’s ok to rest and care of themselves. I’ve heard the phrase more than once over the years: “Ministry is hard work. I’ll rest when I die.” While the first statement is true, the second statement is just unbiblical.
Jesus sets the example of a healthy work/rest rhythm. He intentionally engages with people in ministry and relationship, and he intentionally disengages for time with the Father. If we are a people becoming more and more like Jesus, shouldn’t we do the same?
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Shepherd’s Inn is a sacred space set apart to help facilitate this. We provide a place of retreat for ministers and their spouses to come and rest, free of distraction.
A place where they can slow down, disengage, and lean into the Father.
A place where they are cared for and encouraged through hospitality and prayer.
A safe space to share their current state of life and ministry if they desire, too.
What we see when they leave is often times miraculous. A person or couple running on fumes when they arrive, leaving refreshed, renewed, and smiling. We all need regular and intentional time away to be refreshed and renewed. If we can help a minister or missionary continue and thrive in their ministry another day, week, month, or year, we’ve done our job. That is why Shepherd’s Inn exists.

All I Have Needed Thy Hand Hath Provided
God has been incredibly gracious in these formative years of Shepherd’s Inn. He has provided for every step of the renovation and operation of the Inn thus far. Through generous giving at the end of 2023 and continued generosity in 2024, we were able to complete and open the downstairs guest rooms, as well as complete porches and landscaping. Each of these spaces has begun to serve its intended purpose towards rest, renewal, and care for ministers.
As we bring 2024 to a close and launch into 2025, fully open, our operational costs and insurance have greatly increased. When we start the new year, we will have about a $2,000 per month shortfall in budget ($24,000 for the year). We have many monthly givers/investors in this ministry, and we are incredibly grateful for each of you. We are also blessed with several church partnerships that we are equally grateful for. We are continuing to trust the Father to provide for each next step!
As a non-profit ministry, we rely on the generosity of others to carry out the mission of the Inn. Cheryl and I essentially serve as missionaries to ministers and missionaries. So, we are fully supported by the ministry.
We need more individuals and churches to come alongside us in caring for those in vocational ministry. Above all, pray! Also, this can be through one-time or recurring gifts or by joining us as a Friend of the Inn, Sponsor, or Church/Business Partner. All monetary gifts or sponsorships are tax-deductible for individuals, and partnerships provide additional benefits to church staff and missionaries.
If we had 20 new $100 monthly donors, we would meet/exceed our budget.
If we had 2 new Church Partners at each level of partnership, we would meet/exceed our budget.
And we need Sponsors! 50 percent of our ministers/missionaries request some level of sponsorship to be able to stay at the Inn. You can help make that possible.
To find a link all our giving options click the “Invest” picture link below.
Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Lord Unto Me
We cannot say enough how grateful we are for those who believe in the ministry of Shepherd’s Inn and who love their church’s ministers and missionaries. The Father has blessed us with so many faithful friends!
Please continue to pray for us and for those we serve. There is much work to be done, much care to be extended, and much healing, restoration, and renewal to see happen.
Please continue to support the ministry of the Inn through one-time or recurring gifts. Every prayer and every gift is an investment in the lives and well-being of a minister or missionary and their families. Thank you for being a part of this ministry and our lives. We could not do it without you!
Looking forward to bright hope in 2025!
In Christ,
The Shepherd’s Inn Team