““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.””
The last couple months have been full on the road to Shepherd’s Inn. Cheryl and I spent some time in March visiting with similar ministries to what we’ll be doing at the inn. We called it our “tour of inns.” It was a great opportunity to experience, learn and get some much needed R&R in the process.
We were able to visit several places with a common heart for Christian leaders where we were blessed to experience the warm hospitality they offer and given the opportunity to learn from the innkeepers and leadership that provide these ministries. As we’ve visited these amazing retreats, we are even more affirmed in our calling to Shepherd’s Inn and of the dire need for places of rest and renewal for those in ministry.
We’re also excited to announce that we will be hosting several soul care retreats in 2020. A generous friend to our ministry has offered his retreat for Shepherd’s Inn to utilize while we are securing our permanent location. This will give us the opportunity to begin sharing the ministry of rest, renewal and care even sooner. We will post those retreat dates and registration information soon, so be watching for an update. We are so grateful for this blessing!
Finally, our team is processing and praying through some additional opportunities that we hope to share with you soon. Father continues to bless us in new and unexpected ways as he connects us with others who have a heart for his kingdom. As we continue to move forward with increasing momentum, we ask you to pray for, promote and and give generously toward Shepherd’s Inn. Knowing you are with us on this journey is so encouraging, and we thank you for your support!
Much love in Christ,
Steven and Cheryl