“The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”
A lot has happened since our last post. We’re excited to announce that Shepherd’s Inn has been generously given land and a house in Petersburg, Tennessee, and we’re in the process of getting it zoned for the ministry. The property is approximately one hour from Franklin, TN, and one hour from Huntsville, AL, right where we were praying to find land!
The house has good bones, but will need extensive renovation. We are currently looking at several options for the buildout, and we hope to share what the inn will look like soon.
Needless to say, we are overwhelmed by God’s provision and his timing. We had just finished a planning retreat in May where we finalized our startup and operating budgets. The very next day we received a call that someone with a similar vision for ministry had heard about Shepherd’s Inn and wanted to hear our vision. After meeting together, sharing the vision, and spending the summer exploring the land and praying, we feel confident that God has led us to this location. We now have a foundation to begin creating this sacred space. Amazing!
This has given us a huge head start and also reshaped our startup budget. We will now focus our fundraising efforts on the renovation, furnishing, and initial staffing.
We need your help! As always, we ask for your prayers. Pray for wisdom as we take these next steps and for the decisions that we will make. Pray that we would steward the resources that we are given well. Pray for favor with the zoning officials and surrounding landowners.
Most importantly, pray for the ministers, missionaries, and leaders that we will serve. We have been affirmed and reaffirmed of the need for this ministry of hospitality and care. We have visited with a number of missionaries this year who feel isolated and alone on the field, and been saddened by the number of ministers either walking away from their faith or worse. This has strengthened our resolve to provide a sacred space to rest in Jesus, away from the daily pressure of ministry, to be renewed in spirit and deeply cared for.
Also, you can help us get the word out. We want others to know of the desperate need for pastor and missionary care and how Shepherd’s Inn will provide a place of rest, renewal, and care for these servants. Send folks to our website, social media, or introduce us. We would love to have the opportunity to share this vision with others.
Finally we need generous givers to partner with us. We have several ways to do this.
A one time donation to help with startup costs. We estimate the initial renovations and furnishing will cost upwards of $500,000. Our goal is to pay cash for this expense, so every gift, large or small, brings us another step (or leap) closer!
Become a “Friend of the Inn” through a recurring donation of $30, $60 or $90 per month. This amounts to as little as a dollar a day, but can make a huge and lasting impact. You may not be able to give a large gift, but we have seen similar ministries financially funded by these smaller, recurring gifts.
Become a Church Partner. If your church has a desire to see their ministers and missionaries healthy and serving from a place of rest and renewal, then consider joining Shepherd’s Inn as a Church Partner. Each partnership will help provide this much needed care for Christian leaders and offset the cost for those who need it.
All of these tax deductible options can be found on our Contribute page, and Shepherd’s Inn is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
With your help, we could be providing the ministry of Shepherd’s Inn by late 2020. Every gift helps, so please prayerfully consider partnering with us!
Over the last few months, I have sensed the Father saying, “those are nice plans you have for this ministry. Now, let me show you what I can do.” He is able to do infinitely more than we ask or imagine, and that has given us a peace to move at the pace He has set. Our desire is to move in step with the Spirit. Not rushing ahead, or falling behind. Thank you for helping us make these next steps. We are grateful for your prayers and gifts to see this much needed ministry happen, and we’re so thankful you’re on this journey with us!
Much love in Christ,
Steven and Cheryl